When you have learned the mastery of this trade, it is your duty to teach it. It is by this principle that the Maestro has passed down his expertise and talent to each of his craftsmen
The production of the first tailor-made suite
The first meeting between the client and the Sartoria is oriented on choosing the fabrics, taking and recording all the clients measures and analyzing his posture. Our craftsmen are at our clients disposal for any recommendations or aid in the selection of the fabric and in the realization of the suit. The measurements are then translated into paper pattern and the garment is cut according to the template. This is followed by the first fitting, after which the loosely basted suit is broken down into its individual parts in order to proceed with the necessary adjustments. Subsequently, other two fittings will be necessary for the tailor to create the perfect suit for his client. The adjustments of the second and third fitting are incorporated in the paper pattern, which then becomes the master pattern for future suits.
The delivery time is of about 2 months. A tailor-made suit, entirely made by hand, could not ask for less. Wanting to facilitate foreign customers or those who find it difficult to arrange a visit to our sartoria, we can reduce the number of fittings to two: Sartoria F.Caraceni will dedicate the entire work day to the client, who in only one day, will be able to have both fitting sessions.
The production of tailor-made suits, following the delivery of the first suit
Everything is much faster. Thanks to the paper pattern created for the previous suits, only one fitting will be requested to the client. Shortly after, the suit will be manufactured and delivered.
The result of our patience and meticulous work is the one and only Bespoke.
Fernando Caraceni’s Tailor creates unique garments, designed based on the clients body shape and posture, perfectly matching the clients personality. Nothing is left to chance.
Nicoletta says
Our craftsmen work meticulously every centimeter of fabric, using only artisanal tailoring instruments. Neither machines nor computers are being used. This demands more effort and longer times, but the final result and the customers satisfaction make us proud of our work.